Important First Week Info
Hello all, here is some really important information for our first in person classes since March!
Google Classroom
Instrumental Lessons
Facility Sharing/Bother Banders Schedule
Crystal City ‘Competition’ 2020
Precautions being taken
Please feel free to contact the band directors with any questions you have: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Hello all, here is some really important information for our first in person classes since March!
Google Classroom
- By now you should have been invited to a Google Classroom coordinating with the ensemble you signed up for. If you have not, please use the code associated with that band listed below. If you are in both the Performance and Competition Band, you should be in each.
- Band Front members, we will be creating a Band Front classroom soon. When that occurs, we will remove you from your bands’ Classroom and put you in the Band Front Classroom.
- Fall Concert Band: mgoftva
- Performance Band: as6ta7d
- Competition Band: lqveaey
Instrumental Lessons
- We will be starting these next week. More information to come. Lessons will happen virtually. Eg. A cohort students will have lessons either W,R or F and B cohort students will have lessons M,T or W. Virtual students may have their lessons at any time.
- It is the responsibility of the students to go to their regularly scheduled class and check in for attendance, preferably a couple minutes before class, and then hop on over to the lesson.
- Students will have a separate Google Classroom with their lesson instructor.
- Lesson Schedule
Facility Sharing/Bother Banders Schedule
- The Fall Concert Band will rehearse in the Theater.
- The Competition Band will rehearse in the Side 1 (School Side) end zone of the Stadium.
- The Performance Band will rehearse in the Side 2 (Fire Station Side) end zone of the Stadium.
- Students in both bands are to go to the stadium at all times to ensure they get a chance with both band each week. This applies to the students attending virtually as well.
- Band Front students are to report to the stadium regardless of band unless otherwise noted.
- If you haven't done so already, sign into charms using School Code: CPPHSBand Passwork: your student ID number
- Update your contact info
- All are invited in what may be our only solo evaluation this school year. Click Here for more info/registration.
Crystal City ‘Competition’ 2020
- We will be holding a Virtual version of our annual Home Show on 9/26 at 7pm. Both the Competition Band and Performance Band will have a segment of this. There are 4 other bands that we are confirming. Everything will be virtual and we invite you all to attend a night of celebration.
Precautions being taken
- A/B/C Cohort. To reduce the size of classes, students are either assigned A/B cohort where they attend school in person 2 days and virtually a 3rd. C cohorts are all virtual. This reduces our in-person attendance by ~55%.
- Social distancing. Wind players must be given a 12 foot radius when playing their instrument. Percussionists are permitted at 6 and must wear their masks at all times.
- Unique rehearsal spaces. In order to maintain the NYS guidelines of social distancing while playing instruments, we are exclusively utilizing the Theater, the Stadium (and stands) and the outside space near the loading dock area for band.
- Individual spaces. We are measuring and marking areas that will be assigned to specific students.
- 6 feet marks are noted by Green Tape in the Theater and feet is the required individual space when we are not playing or if playing wind instruments/performing band front routines.
- 12 feet marks are noted by White Tape in the Theater and is the required individual space when playing a wind instrument.
- The tape aligns with the seat’s left arm rest.
- 12 feet Theater Map
- Procedure practicing. Before we make any sounds at all, each group must prove mastery of the procedure of: getting their instrument, going to assigned individual space, staying in their space and putting their instruments back.
- Disinfecting of shared instruments. We are focusing on reducing any instances of shared instruments. The main focus would be percussion instruments that are non-personal or able to be taken home and may be shared by ensembles (though all sticks/mallets should be personal and not shared). Our custodial staff will be in 2nd and 4th period (following band and then following percussion ensemble) to clean these instruments.
- No in person lessons. All lessons will be during a student's virtual days to ensure no student is pulled out from in person instruction.
Please feel free to contact the band directors with any questions you have: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]