had a little issue with the alternator on bus 3. So we've moved everyone onto the remaining busses and are headed to dinner in Gettysburg as scheduled. A local member of the ABA bus group has 2 drivers and a coach en route. To transfer after dinner so we stay on schedule. And after the repair is complete the original motor coach will catch up en route. Improvise and Adapt. All told this set us back less than 15 min. All are ok. All luggage and passengers are great. A little cramped for the next 45min but great.
Suggested Packing List:
Two Bags, 1. what goes under the bus. 2. Carryon bag In your Carryon Bag (#2)
——————- Bag #1 Luggage Trip Duration is 5 Days if you don’t include what you’re wearing on Departure Day Wednesday. Temperature is looking like Mid 70’s
11. P.J.’s Sleeping Clothes, (you can wear in the hotel to get evening meds or meet in social areas in the hotel) 12. You will be receiving 2 Trip T-Shirts (Green on Day 1 Universal and Red for Day 2) They will go in your Luggage not carryon. Rules / Considerations / Things to think about. *See the changes pending weather delays or canceled school.
Departure Procedures and Timing If everything goes according to plan…. “A” Tuesday Period 1 - We will load equipment and Uniforms / Shakos. Percussion equipment will be staged for evening rehearsal and not loaded. Tuesday 6-8pm - All Luggage (carryons if you are able to) can be dropped off so you don’t have to load yourself and luggage on a school bus or to need an extra drop off with a parent. (Go to the Theater) Wednesday Period 1 - All Remaining equipment will be loaded on the truck and trailer and the equipment will leave CPPHS by period 2. (If you don’t load it…. it won’t be in Florida) 11:00 am. All luggage including carryon to the stage (must be on stage) 1:00pm - Chaperones report to theater with their luggage 1:30 (period 8) All students report to the theater for departure meeting and instructions - at this time you are to memorize your bus attendance number. 2:00 - Bus Arrival, Load and Departure for Florida. from the Cafeteria side Entrance. ————-- If we don’t have school on Tuesday due to snow…. Plan “B” Tuesday Evening 6-8 Luggage Drop off (still) Wednesday Period 1 Load All Equipment and Uniforms for departure Chaperones that can arrive at 8:00 to help with loading equipment are encouraged to do so, with thanks :) 1:30 Student Meeting in theater 2:00 Load / Departure. ___________ If we don’t have school Wednesday but have had school on Tuesday Plan “C”
___________ If we don’t have School Tuesday and Wednesday…. I will be super stressed out :) Plan “D” I will contact all of you via Website, Charms Email and Facebook as to the plan … we may need to adjust departure accordingly. Either earlier or later in consultation with the district and the travel company. Finally…. Write This Number Down … Save it to your phone or tattoo it onto your nose… (607)86-BANDS or (607)862-2637 This Number will ring my cell phone in the event of an emergency…. It is a googlevoice forwarding number that will be active during the trip and I will be able to receive messages without giving out my cell phone number. Please call in the event of an emergency. If I do not pick up - your voice message will translate to a text and generate an email and I will get back to you asap I can’t tell you how grateful we all are to the Band Boosters, and The School District for their support of this trip. We will be asking for your feedback about the trip so keep an open mind and think about what your favorite parts are and what you may do differently for the future. Make sure you get all work missed made up as we have received special permission to miss these instructional days of school. No matter what… always be overly appreciative and respectful as we all know you will. We’re going to FLORIDA!!!!! |
April 2017
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